
Patch Linux kernel source codes from 3.19.8 to 4.0.3

The version structure of the Linux kernel:

If we want to "upgrade" the Linux 3.19.8 source codes to Linux 4.0.3, we have to:

1. Rollback Linux 3.19.8 source codes to Linux 3.19 source codes by the 3.19.8 patch file:
cd linux-3.19.8
patch -p1 -R -i ../patch-3.19.8

2. Update the Linux 3.19 source codes to Linux 4.0 source codes by the 4.0 patch file:
patch -p1 -i ../patch-4.0

3. Update the Linux 4.0 source codes to Linux 4.0.3 source codes by the 4.0.3 patch file:
patch -p1 -i ../patch-4.0.3
